innovation : easyPOS, the digital maritime one-stop solution

As part of GIE easyport, HAROPA PORT and SOGET launch easyPOS, a digital maritime one-stop solution, which coordinates all operations linked to the management of port calls and port facilities.

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Navires en mouvements sur Port 2000 au port du Havre - Enlarge image, modal window
©HAROPA PORT / Samuel Salamagnon

As part of the IMO's Facilitation Committee (FAL 46) convention, which aims to meet regulatory requirements for the facilitation of international maritime trade, easyPOS provides ports and governments with a digital platform that acts as a Maritime Single Windows.

Used by the entire port community, it facilitates and secures exchange of information by digitizing all operational processes. It offers perfect interoperability between all port and maritime professionals, guaranteeing administrative compliance of documents relating to ship calls.

A state-of-the-art software package

easyPOS is based on the advanced technologies of HAROPA PORT's S-WiNG and DrakHAR port community systems, and SOGET's S)ONE.

A customizable offering

easyPOS is composed of 5 modules:

  • Port Call Management to coordinate all operations and events related to port calls;
  • Port Services to manage services associated with port calls, cargo types and state operations;
  • Port Fees Engine to dematerialize tariffs and calculate port fees;
  • Billing to manage invoices, from issue to collection;
  • Business Intelligence for performance indicators.

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