Bonnes pratiques : Time to Terminal, to facilitate terminal access

This new procedure optimizes road haulier traffic in Le Havre port area, more specifically at Port 2000. It was created by HAROPA PORT, the Union Maritime et Portuaire (UMEP), the handling companies (Générale de Manutention Portuaire and TN groupe TCF) and the three transport federations (FNTR Normandie, OTRE and union TLF Normandie).

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Vue sur la porte François 1er au Havre, point de contrôle pour l'accès à Port 2000 - Enlarge image, modal window

HAROPA PORT manages a 150 km road network in Le Havre where several thousand heavy goods vehicles moving each day. Reducing road congestion, especially around terminals area, is a major challenge. That’s why Time to Terminal tool has been developed.

On Générale de Manutention Portuaire and Terminaux de Normandie digital platforms, the road haulier reserves a time slot to go to the terminal to collect goods.

A code is thus allocated and must be entered on dedicated equipment installed at the François 1er gate, a control area prior to access to Port 2000. If the hauliers arrives within the specified time, he can access the terminal; if not, he is invited to go to the buffer park.

This launch is part of the MobiSmartPort project  from the Le Havre, smart port city initiative.

Investment: €70,000 financed by HAROPA PORT.

Did you know? Out-of-time arrivals are one of the main sources of terminal congestion.